Choosing Options
An Individual Pathway is the road to success
Options choices are made during year 8. At Pegasus Academy we are firmly committed to raising achievement whilst ensuring our pupils aim high and make the right choices. There have been occasions when pupils do not make the correct selection of subjects for Key Stage 4 and as a result do not reach their potential or achieve the grades of which they are capable.
Our curriculum at Key Stage 4 is designed so that all pupils, regardless of background, have the opportunity to make progress across a broad choice of subjects and study programmes.
Following changes to both GCSE and Technical qualifications and to the way in which school performance is measured, your child will now follow an individualised pathway based on the following nine subjects:
English Language and English
Combined Science or Separate Sciences (worth 2 or 3 GCSEs)
A choice of History , Geography and/ or French
Two or three further subjects from a range of technical and GCSE qualifications