A Message from the Principal - January 2020

Mr Landers, Principal: As you will know Pegasus Academy had a small fire recently in the science prep room. It is something you never want to happen as the Principal, but it was clear that our regular fire drill practices paid off and the Academy was evacuated in an orderly fashion in just 3 minutes. I would like to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of the learners in the maturity they showed and thank staff for their support during the event. Thankfully no-one was hurt.
In other news this week I had the privilege to judge the 'Poetry by Heart' competition. A number of youngsters from year 7 through to year 10 had the courage to stand up in front of their peers to read poetry they had learnt off by heart. Well done to the finalists: Richard Mutukwa 7KTU, Vlad Crisu 8RAN, Paris 10SHA and Charmaine Ndoro 10RRA who go through to the Trust wide final next week; we wish them all luck!
We have now launched Hegarty Maths with years 9, 10 and 11; this online revision and learning tool is already starting to show impact. Thanks to the support of parents in ensuring that learners are completing their Hegarty booklets as part of their home learning.