A Message from the Principal

We were fortunate to have a remote visit from OFSTED who wanted to discuss the challenges being faced by schools during the COVID pandemic. Two of Her Majesties Inspectors spent the day interviewing myself and senior staff via the internet on a range of issues from how we had safely returned pupils to a full time curriculum, managed learning whilst individuals were self-isolating and how we were supporting our young people to make up for lost time. I was incredibly proud to be able to talk about the significant number of initiatives we had put in place since the first lockdown in March. This information will now be fed into a wider research project resulting in further support being put in place for schools and young people nationally.
On the subject of COVID we have had an increase in cases recently although I must say that this week that number has fallen dramatically. I am confident this is due to both the national lockdown and our own systems that are in place in the academy. I must commend our parents who have supported and worked with us when we have had a confirmed case which has allowed us to quickly identify close contacts and ensure the correct people are asked to self-isolate. Could I just ask however, that if your child is presenting symptoms you do not send them to academy and arrange for a test to be taken as soon as possible.
To finish up, the Pegasus Christmas Tree is up early as we all thought we needed a lift in our spirits. Its only three weeks until we finish for the Christmas holiday and although it may be slightly different this year, I am looking forward to spending time with loved ones and family and hope you are too.