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Message From The Principal

Dear Parent/Carer

September Re-opening

After an incredibly strange year myself and all Pegasus staff are excited about welcoming your child back full time to the Academy in September. We have been working hard to ensure we meet current government guidelines for re-opening and would like to reassure you that your child’s safety is a main consideration on their return to school.  We know that you and your child may feel anxious for many different reasons, which is why we have a full induction programme planned in the first week of September, including staggered start and end times and by returning learners to the Academy one-year group at a time, on different days, until the school is full. The start dates and times for your child’s year group can be seen below:


Year Group

Years groups in school

Start time

End time


Tues 1 Sept

Staff Training Day

Wed 2 Sept

Yr 11 Induction

11 only



Main Entrance

Thurs 3 Sept

Yr 7 Induction

7 & 11



Learner Entrance

Fri 4 Sept

Yr 10 Induction

7,10 & 11



Main Entrance

Mon 7 Sept

Yr 9 Induction

7,9,10 &11



Learner Entrance

Tues 8 Sept

Yr 8 Induction




Learner Entrance

Wed 9 Sept

All learners in the Academy and the ‘normal’ timetable starts

Senior staff will be on the gates to welcome learners and direct them to their year group base. Your child will be expected to wear full school uniform.  Any learner who has ordered a blazer from Oakes that has been delivered to school will receive this on their first day, along with Year 7 and 11 receiving their free school ties. Can I remind you that blazers must be ordered no later than Friday 21 August 2020. Details for ordering uniform and PE kit can be found on our school website.

Due to the unprecedented circumstances we find ourselves in and to avoid the sharing of equipment, we have taken the decision to provide the vast majority of your child’s essential stationary, including pens, pencils, highlighters, a ruler and glue stick. These will be given to your child on the first day along with their planner. We would be grateful though if you could provide a scientific calculator for your child to use.

As further government updates come in over the summer holidays, plans may be subject to change. To keep up to date with any changes please regularly visit our school website or follow us on social media. We will also be sending out a final update towards the end of the holiday and publish our reopening plans and risk assessment in full.

I would like to thank you all for your support this year and wish you a safe and restful summer.

Yours faithfully

Andy Landers
